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Ringerschuhe Rudis JB1 - Jordan Burroughs - ALLISEEISGOLD


Информация о продукте "Ringerschuhe Rudis JB1 - Jordan Burroughs - ALLISEEISGOLD"

Jordan Burroughs Wrestling Shoe celebrates the continued success and accomplishments of professional wrestler Jordan Burroughs, a 7x Gold Medalist. Representing the tireless pursuit of greatness, these wrestling shoes are a physical expression of Burroughs’ own mantra — an ambition to which we all aspire: All I see is Gold.

–Overlapping synthetic suede on the upper creates a support system that molds to the foot

-Omni-directional outsole with forefoot and heel pods for ultimate traction

-Air mesh body for breathability

-Ergonomic tongue that’s specifically crafted to eliminate any bunching around the throat, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit




Farbe: Grün
Geschlecht: unisex
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