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Ringerschuhe Rudis JB1 - Jordan Burroughs - ALLISEEISGOLD


Produktinformationen "Ringerschuhe Rudis JB1 - Jordan Burroughs - ALLISEEISGOLD"

7 World Gold medals later, Jordan Burroughs has refused to settle for anything less than greatness. Jordan has set the standard for generations to come, both on and off the mat. The Jordan Burroughs Wrestling Shoe was created in collaboration with JB to meet the needs of wrestlers at any age or level, so they too can strive for greatness and see nothing but gold in their future. The Jordan Burroughs Wrestling Shoe is breathable, durable, and turbo-like. It's unlike any design Jordan Burroughs has sported before - comfortable, supportive and feathery-fast. It was created to stay ahead of today's frenzied wrestling style.
  • Breathable Air Mesh Upper
  • High Medial Wrap on Outsole for Durability and Traction
  • Synthetic Suede Medial Quarter/Collar/Rand for Durability

Farbe: Grün
Geschlecht: Unisex
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